Monday, February 27, 2012

Compassion and Charity

by Sylvie Shaw

What do the terms compassion and charity mean to you? Are they specifically religious and spiritual terms and if so, how are they used in a religious perspective? Is there a difference between the way they are used in religious discourse or in popular culture. Give examples?

Image Source: Pixabay:

Is Glee Gleeful?

by Sylvie Shaw
Reflect on the popularity of Glee. You might want to write a critical review of the TV Show using examples from various episodes. Also discuss the casting and storylines. Does the show stereotype certain religious and other aspects of diversity. Whether Jewish or Christian, gay or straight, big or small, the show embraces diversity and charity (in the most part).

Focussing on issues of morality and ethics in relationship, discussed the perceived (and observed) goals and intention of the show. Does it work? Why? Why not?

Image Source:
by Sylvie Shaw

What is the relationship between religion and media? Use examples from media reporting, film, television, print or online to highlight your perspective on the connection between religion, media and culture? How do the mediated formats and genres reflect religious themes?

Similar issues are raised by Gordon Lynch and Jolyon Mitchell (2012:3). They ask: 'In what ways are media and culture implicated in how forms of religion persist and change in modern societies.' What is your view?

Source: Lynch G., J. Mitchell and A. Strhan. 2012. Introduction, in G. Lynch, J. Mitchell and A. Strhan, eds., Religion, Media and Culture: A Reader, 1-10. London and New York: Routledge.

Image Source: Pixabay:

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Religion and Science - Poles Apart?

by Sylvie Shaw

The ABC current affairs TV show The Drum also hosts an opinion site - The Drum Opinion.In December 2011, the scientist and religion writer, Alistair McGrath's headline was: 'Science is about explanation. Religion is about meaning'. What do you think this implies? Does one system take precedence over the other? Why?

McGrath quotes the significant Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth, saying 'science takes things apart to see how they work. But religion puts them back together again to see what they mean.' Can both systems exist in harmony? Can you present an example of a religion-science system of meaning?

ABC. 2011. 'Science is about explanation. Religion is about meaning'. The Drum Opinion.
Image source:

The Sacred

by Sylvie Shaw

How is the sacred depicted in certain types of media? How would you define the sacred? Use examples from your own media viewing, listening, engaging and describe how the sacred us manifested? What makes something sacred, e.g. sacred places, sacred symbols? Can certain objects or places be intrinsically sacred or not?

Image Source:

Thursday, February 2, 2012

David Lynch and Meditation

The renown film director, David Lynch, shares his perceptions and experiences on mediation in a fascinating book called Catching the Big Fish: Meditation, Consciousness and Creativity.

Have a look at the Amazon site where you can read an excerpt from the text. Lynch begins his book with a phrase from the Bhavagad-Gita: 'He whose happiness is within, whose contentment is within, whose light is all within, that yogi being one with Brahman, attains eternal freedom in divine consciousness' (Lynch 2006:3).

Short Doco for Reflection

One of my favourite short documentaries is called Buddha and the Big Fish. It presents a powerful story of religious regeneration in Mongolia after years of persecution. It centres on a region called the Eg-Uhr river basin where there resides a very big fish - a member of the salmon-trout family called the Taiman.

The documentary links Buddhism and ecology, not only through scripture and Buddhist monks' education, but through understanding the interconnection of people and land through the stories of the local farmers.

Watch the short doco and reflect on how a diversity of people, Mongolians, scientists, tourist operators and an organisation called the Tributary Fund came together to rebuild the temple and create a significant 'religion and ecology' centre.

Thanks to the daily zen for the use of their photo. 

Pilgrimage and Sacred Space

by Sylvie Shaw

Over the break, did you visit any special places, or sacred spaces, that were significant or interesting for you? Did you travel and explore diverse places of worship as well as different cultures and lands? Did you visit places where you also spent childhood holidays which were important for you?

Did you go, or have you ever been on a journey that could be deemed a pilgrimage to a blessed or sacred or special place? Are there any places where you connect with the divine and holy other? What experiences did you encounter - special, sacred, ordinary? In what ways could they be described as religious or spiritual, even in broader or secular spiritual terms?